Updates, fixes, etc

I have overhauled the site. Everything you’re looking at should look pretty much the same as the front page. The archive has been tidied up and thousands of spam comments and spam profiles have been removed.

The forum is working again — I didn’t even know that it wasn’t working.  Again, thousands of spammers have been removed, and it looks (roughly) like this page, although I’m still not happy with it.  Also, I got completely side-tracked re-reading the wank that kicked off in 2007.  I’ve left it up, although a sensible grown-up should lock and hide it.  I can’t believe it escalated so massively.

The RPG link is still broken, and eventually I’ll delete that and sort it out, but at the moment, I’ve run out of time.  That area is kind of like District 13 at the moment.  Bits of it are still on fire after the spam invasion.