Update – Fanfic

Ok, so it’s been a bloody long time since I worked on this site, but that’s because I’ve been very busy. Well, what’s new? Not much to be honest. Well, not much that you will see, I’ve changed lots of html to give new colours and stuff, but that means nothing to you guys.

Most importantly, we have moved. We are no longer stuck with geocities, and hopefully won’t be shut down so much. Also, I’ve made loads of the picture files smaller so they won’t take up so much space.

A New Beginning by Phoenix. Brand new fic, the next instalment will be up soon.

Carla’s Protector Series now has it’s own page. Me show favouritism to my stalkee? Surely not. And I’ve finally html-ed an Home By Now.

Also on that page are some artworks that I have made (or as Carla calls them, “pretties”). Enjoy.

The About Me page is finally relevant to my life.